This and that…

July 23, 2015

I have been thinking a lot about notebooks and organization…

One of the reasons that therehas been such a big gap between my posts, is because I was ill for an extended period of time. As a result of that illness,I have some limitations particularly around keyboarding and handwriting  so I do a lot of dictation. The other thing that has changed for me is that many of the things that I used to keep in hardcopy, simple things like phone messages and grocery lists, I now keep electronically. I have become enamored of a program called Evernote. I am a total convert.

Evernote is an online set of notebooks. An analogy that I often use with students is to think of it as a set of three ring notebooks that you can carry around on your phone.  I am not a particularly organized person by nature, but Evernote has helped me to remember many of the things that age and my innate mental chaos would normally allow me to forget.  I have been talking with classes and groups about Evernote this year. I have enjoyed the give-and-take with student users about how they use it, and the  brainstorming about how they will use it in the future. We even have an instructor who has asked that all of her classes open accounts. I am looking forward to seeing what use they make of it.  A wealth of information about the program is available here:

This is the beginning of the semester, and so this is the time that students are establishing the way that they will go forward. The habits that they set in place now and the tools that they begin to use are more likely to stay with them than those they begin to use later in the semester. Having regular habits for managing all of their stuff is critical at the college level. My big themes around organization have always been that whatever system they decide to use should always be:

  1. First of all consistent. Most students have a great deal that they have to remember, particularly here at VTC where we are primarily STEM programs.  They carry very high credit loads, do a lot of reading, and generally speaking have a lot of work to get through each week. If they have a different organizational system for each class, they just complicate their lives so unnecessarily.
  2. Second, the system should be expandable. A first-time freshman has absolutely no idea how much stuff they are going to need to keep organized. I have been here for 10 years, and I had two children come out of high school and go through college. I have seen very well prepared students, and very poorly prepared statements. The one thing that they have in common, is that none of them have a clue about how much stuff there really is. It is important for their organizational system to be expandable so that they have a way to fit in all of those bits and pieces that they may lose track of in a logical way.
  3. The third thing that I think it’s really important is that the system has to be flexible. A flexible system, regardless of whether it is pencil and paper or electronic, allows you to accommodate the vagaries of different situations without throwing your entire organizational strategy out the window. Too many times, we become entranced with elaborate organizational schemes that look like they have the answer to all of our issues, only to find out that the schemas itself is more work than it is worth. A simple system, one that suits the work that you were doing, and allows you to make adjustments, is the best.

I used to talk with students about three ring notebooks as a model for an organizational system. They are a flexible place to capture the details of student life, they are expandable, they can be organized in a consistent fashion across all sorts of coursework.  Electronic workhorse applications like Evernote can serve the same purpose, with the added benefit of being extremely portable. After all, we all carry a phone…

June 23, 2015

Live each day as if it is your last. Learn as if you will live forever. (Mahatma Gandhi)

Filed under: education,learning,Post-secondary,Support Services,Vermont Tech — learningspecialist @ 7:21 pm
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I have mentioned in other posts how enamored I am with TED Talks…so much rich content and so easy to access. In this segment, Ben Dunlap, a professor at Wofford College in South Carolina, talks about the mentors who have inspired his passion for learning and why they have been so compelling.

Ben Dunlap and Lifelong Learning

We talk a lot in education about “creating lifelong learners”. In the years (lots) that I have been an educator, a bushel basket of well-meaning, “research-based” approaches  have been tried. Sometimes they work, more often they don’t. I think this is the least in part due to the fact that learning cannot be imposed from the outside. It is visceral, an internal experience, a struggle, fraught with failure along the road to competence. Students (and we are all students in this context) need to experience many failures as they bludgeon their way to achieving authentic success. Working through that process vigorously, on relevant tasks, and eventually – not immediately, eventually – reaching a goal, has to happen for learning to be. A good score on a test, or the threat of a bad one, often does not provide that sense of authentic success and satisfaction.

I am lucky. I am an adult, and I generally get to choose my learning experiences. If something is a really bad fit, I don’t necessarily have to stay with it. My most satisfying experiences as a learner have always been the most frustrating. My least satisfying experiences have occurred when I have not had to struggle… Full disclosure -there are a few things that annoy me more than taking a class or attending a workshop that I could have taught, just because someone else thought it would be a good idea. Big waste of my time. I wonder how often our students feel that way. Probably more  than we would care to acknowledge.

Another component my satisfying learning experiences have in common is the deadline. Deadlines allow/require me to focus my efforts. Lack of a deadline gives me permission to put things off- usually in favor of something WITH a deadline. Learning needs to feel urgent. It does not matter whether my deadline is externally or internally imposed, it is the reality of it not being negotiable that provides the urgency. Of course, if the goal is not worthwhile, all the deadlines in the world are not going to create any urgency for the learning…

I am not in any way suggesting that students should be responsible for choosing all of their learning experiences or that all of those experiences should be “fun” or “engaging”. Most do not know enough to understand what they will need next week, much less next year. I am suggesting that perhaps we must remember that as a species, we are hungry learners. Watch babies and toddlers struggle to interact with their environment, or that teenager endlessly practicing her hook shot so that she can make the team, or the novice reader battling their way through the first book that they are reading to younger sibling… All of those experiences are worth the work. That’s the key I think, find a way to make the guided classroom learning worth the work. Then, we will begin to grow those lifelong learners.


June 17, 2015

Randomly Rambling…

Filed under: education,Post-secondary,Support Services,Technology — learningspecialist @ 6:14 pm

Random thoughts on a pretty day…

  1. My office is clean. I mean, really clean. I have emptied drawers, dusted, sorted out bookshelves and gotten a good start on digitalizing files…if it needed doing, I dug in and did it. Some of this is a function of time- the students are gone and the summer session here is never so demanding as the semester. I had some personal challenges with an elderly parent that have resolved themselves and my post GBS stamina seems to be back, finally. All good stuff that is allowing me to destress my workplace environment, if only for a moment.
  2. I am learning a new skill. My family bought me a new camera for Mother’s Day- a good one, not my phone or the Sports Illustrated freebie that I have used in the past. Scenery and flowers are coming along well. Action shots…well, we won’t talk about that just yet. I love learning new stuff.
  3. I went to an amazing TKD testing with some of my favorite Masters on deck demonstrating their expertise Saturday, including Master Amy L. who, besides being fabulous, is a power chair user. I am still awestruck by her grace and guts, and by the Grand Masters capacity to not see her chair as a limitation, and while I am terrified about my own impending 3rd Dan testing in February, I am more hopeful.
  4. This blog has languished post GBS. I regret that, though I do not think I could have changed the situation. A goal is to get it back to being regular and current. I have always been a believer in regular professional reflection and am happiest when I am actively reflecting. It has been too long since I took the time.
  5. I think I will never completely understand parents who are afraid to allow their children the satisfaction that comes from trying, failing, and trying again until they get it. How else did we learn to walk for crying out loud? We fell down, a lot! Failing often, in reasonably safe spaces (though they feel pretty risky to us at the time :)) is how we develop mastery. When we cushion our offspring too much, what we communicate is really that we do not think they are safe out there without us. Not the message I wanted for me, not the one I wanted for my kids. Certainly not what I want to communicate to the students I work with.
  6. Technology often creates as many challenges as it solves.

Now…I am going to take a walk with my camera on this pretty day, and take some photos.


February 27, 2015

I am addicted to TED Talks…and the wonders of access.

Filed under: Uncategorized — learningspecialist @ 3:49 pm

It can be a major distraction, but they are so enlightening. I have been diligently advocating that our faculty and administration recognize/acknowledge/act on having all our materials accessible. It is a task worthy of Sisyphus given the administrative changes and financial challenges the college has absorbed in recent months. However…I sent this out to faculty and Senior Leadership this morning. One more tactful volley 🙂


November 21, 2013

Sometimes someone else just says it better…

Filed under: Uncategorized — learningspecialist @ 8:30 pm

A well-written look at a common topic of conversation during academic counseling sessions…

The semester is coming to an end, and so projects are due and finals are coming and a lot of what I am speaking with students about is how they can get themselves organized to get it all done, along with how they got themselves into this mess in the first place. I am a bit of a procrastinator myself, especially for things that land on my desk late in the day. I try very hard to organize my life so that I don’t feel pressured by impending deadlines. Sometimes it works (actually most times it works but I have had a lot of years to practice) and other times the instant gratification monkey just takes over… Enjoy!

Why Procrastinators Procrastinate

October 4, 2013


Filed under: education,Support Services,Uncategorized — learningspecialist @ 8:04 pm

Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.
Søren Kierkegaard

I am perplexed that more people do not  find the time to reflect on the work that they do. It is essential to me as a professional and a person to regularly d review what I have done and the direction that I seem to be heading. I am often my harshest critic and I am seldom the person who shares my accomplishments with others.

This has been a demanding semester so far. The work that I do is often frustrating. The bulk of my time is spent with students who are most at risk, whose gains are very slow and whose challenges are very great. They are frequently unprepared for college, though they want it badly. I rarely get to spend time with the other half of the world, who find school a joy. It is one of the things that I miss about more mainstream teaching-that balance in perspective. On the other hand, there are some students in whom I have invested a significant amount of time and it seems to be paying off. They are moving forward,  taking control in a positive way. I am proud to have been a part of that process and I delight in seeing them grow.

There are others whose journey is still very, very long. I ache for them and for their families.

The institution that I work at is under the same pressure that all postsecondary institutions labor under… Costs continue to go up. The pool of available students continues to shrink.   We have a relatively new senior staff who seem to be having a difficult time finding their footing and faculty that becomes progressively more frustrated while they wait for that to happen. Money is tight, as it is everywhere. It is occasionally difficult to maintain a positive outlook even though I love this job and I love the school.

As I reflect on the last five weeks, particularly in my personal writing, I see that I have let some things go on a personal level and as a member of the campus community. I could excuse myself by saying I was busy (and I have been) but that does not make it right. I am a member of this community, it has been good to me, and my individual contribution is important.

We  all do well to look back at ourselves periodically,  personally and professionally. It is too easy to slog along from day-to-day and forget how far we have come and where we need to go. Got a minute?

By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.


September 25, 2013

Thinking outside the box…Richie Parker

Filed under: Uncategorized — learningspecialist @ 2:27 pm

A truly wonderful story.

September 16, 2013


Filed under: education,Post-secondary,Uncategorized — learningspecialist @ 5:06 pm

Today’s post is more of a share about a topic that has caused me much anguish over the course of my life and yet has been intimately intertwined with it. I speak of course of Math… I grew up with an engineer, I am married to a person who is the chief administrator at an engineering firm, my son is an engineer, and I work at a technical college. I cannot escape. If I had someone like this as an instructor when I was in school, I might feel very differently about the topic… I even looked up the Julia Set.

Have a good week!

August 13, 2013

Welcome back!

Filed under: Blogroll,education,Post-secondary,Support Services,Technology — learningspecialist @ 5:25 pm

It is no big secret to anyone who knows me that I’m a perpetual student. I love school. I especially love the first day of school. Everything seems so clean and new and full of possibilities. It is easily my favorite time of year.

On Monday, classes will begin for the fall semester.  The students are fresh from summer break, the faculty has had some time off (or at least most of them have had some time off) and everyone is ready to roll.  There is  so much to do that it occasionally seems overwhelming, but we will get through. I am looking forward to this year. We had a marvelous group of students during Summer Bridge, and while some of them will certainly struggle, I think they have what it takes. I have sent out my first letter to the faculty talking about the changes in assistive technology that we have made this year. I am excited about them, I think that they will provide good service for students and for faculty all across all our campuses. I am looking forward to the conversations that I will be having with the faculty assembly about accessibility and how important it is in course design. I just want to get under way I think,I think. Welcome back everyone!


January 23, 2009

It is an amazing week to be a teacher…

Filed under: education,Post-secondary,Technology,Uncategorized,Vermont Tech — learningspecialist @ 4:35 pm

Tuesday’s inauguration of President Obama left me with a positive buzz that is bubbling like champagne. It is a remarkable thing.  For the first time in months, I feel as though things really could move in a different and better direction.

I am finishing the new book by Thomas Friedman called Hot, Flat and Crowded.  I read it for a course, on the heels of finishing Charles Van Doren’s  book A History of Knowledge, so I was really primed for the energy in the inaugural address.  I had a class (Freshman Orientation for students who begin college in the spring semester)  at 4:00 that afternoon, and I was so pumped that I tossed my lesson plans- an introduction to the Master Notebook, for a conversation about what it all means. My poor students must have thought I had gone completely over the edge, but they were very patient 🙂 And it was completely worthwhile.

I began by articulating the issues we face as Friedman has done: decreasing biodiversity, energy poverty, the need for and supply of readily available power, climate change and petro-dictatorship. I posed a question (Harry if you read this I am aware that I was shamefully ripping off the question in the syllabus- I gave you credit in class:))-

What do schools need to do to prepare students to live in this world and find solutions that will allow us to continue to meet the needs of our planet and populations in a reasonable way? What do YOU as engineering students need to be taught? What do our rising high school and elementary students need to know?

We wrote individual reflections, and then shared those reflections in small groups.  When some coherence had been established, the smaller groups reported back to the large group.

One group talked extensively about making more efficient use of our waste. They ranged from recycling to methane and garbage burning with scrubbers and caps to incentivising the whole process through grants and tax breaks.  Another group focused on economic literacy and understanding history- not just on a personal level but the whole concept of supply and demand and the impact of economy on culture and an awareness of what has gone before. They also discussed relevance- and felt pretty strongly that our current system does not of a good job of  helping students see the relevance of what they are taught to what they might be doing later.  Algebra took a big hit here as did the current iteration of technical education- which was particularly interesting because this was an older group (one Australian student, one Iraq veteran and one student in his mid twenties, all in engineering programs). The last group also focused on literacy- but technological literacy. They felt that in a flat world,being unable to mediate the technology is unacceptable.  The education system needs to catch up if we are to prepare people capable of creative problem solving.

For students from wildly diverse backgrounds, ages and levels of experience, in their first semester of school,  with minimal preparation, their insight was amazing. I left class completely charged.  Days like this are why I became a teacher.

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